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15 Funny Linux command Errors for Penguin Lovers 13

15 Funny Linux command Errors for Penguin Lovers
If you are already a Linux user [you rock] then you might love to have fun with Linux commands and its errors 😛 Just like in windows where there are [ seriously stupid ] errors , in Linux you will the errors when you mistype any command . Here are some funniest 15 jokes we ...

Top 20+ Hilarious ,Weird and Creative Google Map Pictures 9

Top 20+ Hilarious ,Weird and Creative Google Map Pictures
                  You must be familiar with Google Earth and Google Maps that was originally called EarthViewer 3D . This is a free service from Google that maps the Earth by the superimposition of images obtained from satellite imagery, aerial photography and GIS 3D globe. Since its launch and being famous , there have been lots of ...